Individual Members Ancillary Activities
Ancillary activities are those which are conducted with the express purpose of enabling a legally Recognised Activity to take place. It is impossible to provide a definitive list, however examples are as follows, bearing in mind all equestrian activity is now excluded with the exception of hunting:
Clay Pigeon Shooting
- Setting up of shooting courses
- Setting up of clay traps, operating and filling them
- Instructor led tuition and training for non-shooters and beginners
- Holding meetings with members or courses needed such as safety courses or training
- Husbandry of birds in care
- Keeping and training of dogs/ferrets
- Management of habitat to promote suitable quarry
- Promotion of the sport at various country and game fairs
Deer Stalking
- Quad biking to remove carcasses
- Counting deer at night with the aid of a lamp
- Research for landowners
- Blood tracking with dogs
- Erection of high seats and forest maintenance
- Pen construction
- Planting game crops
- Planting hedgerows
- Construction of hides and shooting platforms
- Gun dog training
- Safety training
- Feeding birds
- Beating
- Picking up
Horse Riding (Hunting only)
- Grooming – preparation prior to a hunt – in stable, field or paddock
- Leading to and from stable, field or paddock
- Tacking up and untacking
- Cooling the horse down after hunting before returning to the field, stable or paddock
- Search for lost or missing hounds
- Building cross country fences
- Preparing a drag hunt course
- Clearing trails eg through woods
- Showing hounds
- Working with hounds in the kennels
- Fixing of fences or any other remedial work on land after a hunt
- River and riverbank clearing and maintenance
- Bait digging